(Click photograph for a larger image)
Location: Outside Craven Museum, Skipton
Latitude: 53.96234 Longitude: -2.01552
NGR: SD 99081 51809
Inscription: John Tennant
The original location of this stone is unrecorded, but is probably associated with one of the several Tennant leases marked on the 1781 Brailsford map, both on New Pasture and the Out Moor.
Tennant's leased four meers at this time, and four other stones have also been recorded as MS 42, MS 54, MS 57, and MS 59.
Raistrick described Tennant as a landowner, although there was also a John Tennant who was born in Hebden in 1733, and died in 1792. When he remarried in 1781 his occupation was recorded as 'miner'.