Photograph of meer stone 6 - Grassington Moor

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Location: Midway between Sarah's Mine and Old Moss Mine, in the marsh.

Latitude: 54.100393 Longitude: -1.947467

NGR: SE 03533 67170

Inscription: P W OVEREND & Co

This stone marks the north-western corner of the 10 meers leased to P.W. Overend & Co which appears as "Overing & c" on the Brailsford survey of 1781. The N of Overend is reversed. A drawing of the inscription appears in Arthur Raistrick's paper The Founders' Meer in the NCMRS 1962-1963 Transactions (see references). Peter Wilson Overend was born in Bentham in 1725, but was living in Grassington when he died in 1805. He was one of the promoters of the Pateley Bridge to Grassington turnpike. In addition to the two leases recorded on the Brailsford survey, he also had investments in the Greenhow mines.