Photograph of meer stone 57 - Grassington Moor

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Location: This stone is on the Poor Grass below the south embankment of the Beever reservoir, seven metres from the wall and between the embankment and a bell pit.

Latitude: 54.087351 Longitude: -1.971378

NGR: SE 01970 65719

Inscription: John Tennant & Co Found.

This is an upright stone about 40 cm high and 60 cm wide. The inscription is very eroded and has been picked out with peat in the photograph. The stone appears to be located at the boundary of three leases marked on the Brailsford 1781 survey – Tennant & Co, Topham & Co, and Chippendale & Co. See Meer Stone 59 for the stone that marks the north-west corner of the same meer.

Tennant's leased four meers at this time, and four other stones have also been recorded as MS 42, MS 54, MS 59, and MS 77.

Raistrick described Tennant as a landowner, although there was also a John Tennant who was born in Hebden in 1733, and died in 1792. When he remarried in 1781 his occupation was recorded as 'miner'.

A version of this page with a drawing of the stone may be found here.