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Location: This stone lies 200 m east of Meer Stones 38, and 100 m just east of north of Meer Stone 49. It isn't at all easy to spot.
Latitude: 54.097288 Longitude: -1.961401
NGR: SE 02622 66824
Inscription: 8 E S
This is a 60 cm high stone lying on its back. The lettering is not that clear. There are several of these 'ES' stones, usually differentiated by a number. They are associated with Elizabeth Shackleton of York. Elizabeth was the widow of John Shackleton who invested in the mines before his death in 1771. She inherited his interests, and continued to invest on her own account. This stone probably marks the north-east corner of the meer where it abuts onto the meers held by Brown & Co to the north, and Tennant & Co, one of whose stones lies adjacent, to the east as shown on the 1781 Brailsford survey. See also Meer Stone 2, Meer Stone 38, Meer Stone 49, and Meer Stone 69.