Location: This stone lies 360 m just north of east of John Young gate, some 165 m due south of the track. It isn't very easy to spot, as it is hidden from the north.
Latitude: 54.096767 Longitude: -1.961631
NGR: SE 02607 66766
Inscription: 9 E S
This is a metre high stone lying on its back. The "9" has been carved at an angle, and the top half of the "S" has flaked away. There are several of these 'ES' stones, usually differentiated by a number. They are associated with Elizabeth Shackleton of York. Elizabeth was the widow of John Shackleton who invested in the mines before his death in 1771. She inherited his interests, and continued to invest on her own account. See also Meer Stone 2, Meer Stone 38, Meer Stone 50, and Meer Stone 69. This stone probably marks the south-eastern corner of the holding marked on the Brailsford 1781 survey.